“There are a lot of counties in Georgia where the public library is the only place free internet access and free use of a machine.”
State Librarian Julie Walker joined John Clark on Georgia Focus on the Georgia News Network to talk about the value of services such PINES, GLASS, and how Georgia’s public libraries are meeting the needs of communities across the state. Listen below.
About Georgia Focus
Georgia Focus is a 28-minute, self-contained public affairs broadcast. John Clark hosts the show, covers issues of importance and interest to Georgians. Topics covered include libraries, healh care, non-profits, government and more.
Georgia Focus is a 4-time winner of the Best Public Affairs Program Award from the National association of State Radio Networks and 2 Merit Awards from the Georgia Association of Broadcasters.
You can hear the “Georgia Focus” interview on 175 stations across the state on the iHeartRadio Network.