Georgia’s Public Libraries: Making an Impact

Georgia libraries: Big Impact, Big Returns on Investment

georgia libraries impact graphic

For every dollar they receive in funding, Georgia’s public libraries provide $3.21 in goods and services.

Libraries have reimagined their spaces, collections, and services to meet their community needs. Learn about how Georgia’s public libraries are tripling the return on investment.

2024 Year in Review

Young woman smiling standing at the circulation desk holding her PINES library card.

Georgia’s public libraries are more vital than ever.

Georgia’s public libraries are more vital than ever to the health and well-being of our state. Libraries are strong partners in everything that Georgia does, from strengthening early literacy to building a strong economy.

Libraries make communities better

Highlights from Fiscal Year 2024 Data

Georgia’s public libraries provide access to movies, music, books, foreign language lessons, career readiness tools, college test prep materials… and a whole lot more. Millions of Georgians enjoy these resources every year, in-person and virtually!

Total Materials Circulation
Youth Materials Circulation
Talking Book Circulations
Georgians own library cards!

Technology in Libraries

Internet access is essential to thrive in the 21st century. From employment to health to recreational learning, the web allows people to lead productive lives. Through public libraries, Georgians have access to more than 9,800 public-access Internet computers in every county across the state.

  • ALL of Georgia’s public libraries are connected to the Internet!

  • 4,133,709 computer sessions
  • 6,865,297 wireless sessions

library patron using computer

girl holding book standing with grandmother“We love our library. The people who work here are nice and there is so much to do. They have lots of activities for everyone in our family. We enjoy coming here.”

Libraries Impact Families

Through programs such as PRIME TIME Family Reading Time, Get Georgia Reading, 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, and an annual Summer Reading Program, public libraries help prepare young Georgians for a lifetime of learning.

family reading at prime time dekalb tucker library