Youth Services
Georgia Public Library Service provides resources and assistance to libraries that support youth learning and development.
We coordinate the annual statewide Summer Reading Program that encourages children and families to read for fun during school vacations. The program highlights family literacy activities and parents are encouraged to participate with their children. Reading logs, game boards, bookmarks, posters, and stickers are designed to help promote the program in each library facility in Georgia.
Youth Services provides assistance in all areas of library service, with particular expertise in children’s and teen services, planning, training and family literacy.
Other areas of focus include funding opportunities and help with grants, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, the national Prime Time Family Reading program, and maintaining a professional collection.
The Georgia Public Library Service youth services email listservs are open to people working in Georgia’s public libraries. They are a great way to keep current, learn about meetings and grants, and get help with issues concerning youth services in libraries. Join the children’s services listserv (CHLIB-L) or the young adult services listserv (YASVS-L).
Youth Services
Georgia Libraries – FY24
Summer Reading Program
We coordinate the annual statewide Summer Reading Program that encourages children and families to read for fun during the summer months. Public libraries across Georgia promote summer reading by offering reading logs and prizes and by hosting activities such as storytimes, puppet shows, arts and crafts, and magic shows. Children who participate receive rewards for achieving reading goals.
GPLS participates in the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP). CSLP is a nonprofit, charitable organization that supports literacy, education, and science through summer reading events in public libraries across the United States. Check out this year’s CSLP summer reading theme!

Prime Time Family Reading
A Family Literacy Program
Prime Time is a unique six-week humanities-based program of reading, discussion and storytelling at public libraries and other venues. The program emphasizes the importance of families reading together to discuss significant cultural and ethical themes.
Created in 1991 by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, this statewide family literacy program with national affiliates creates a precondition for all future learning by empowering parents/guardians to help their children enjoy reading and improve their reading abilities. Since the early days of the Prime Time national expansion, Georgia has held almost 200 Prime Time programs in dozens of communities across the state.
Prime Time Georgia is supported in part by funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provision of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the University System of Georgia, with additional support from The Sandra Dunagan Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy at Georgia College and Georgia Humanities.
To become a Prime Time site, please contact the director of Youth Services at [email protected] for more information.
Teen Services
Teen services are gaining in popularity across the nation. Georgia Public Library Service supports libraries providing services for teens after school and during the off-school months.
Teen Reader Advisory
YALSA’s Book Awards & Booklists
These award-winning titles for teens from 12 to 18 years of age cover a broad range of reading and maturity levels.
YALSA Teen Book Finder App & Database
Search 4,000 titles from YALSA’s book awards and lists.