Adult Services

Adult Services provides assistance to library staff who focus their efforts on the adult community. This can include programming, reference, and other services.

Adult Services in Georgia Public Libraries:

  • Offer a welcoming place for adults to learn, have fun, and thrive
  • Promote lifelong engagement and learning
  • Build social capital and fight systemic inequality
  • Cultivate conversation and community


Christopher Evans
Community Engagement Librarian

Phone: 404-235-7126
Email: [email protected]

Join the library adult services email listserv (ADULTSERV-L) for Georgia public library staff. If you are a library staff member serving adults, this is a great way to keep current, learn about meetings and grants, and receive help with issues concerning adult services.


Adult Programming Palooza

A full day training designed to connect those in adult services from around the state. Collaboration and shared experiences are the focus of this annual event that employs a variety of activities to highlight the many facets of adult programming.

This event is generously sponsored by the Georgia Library Association Professional and Continuing Education Interest Division and Georgia Public Library Service.

For more information, contact Kara Rumble or Amie Torok.

ladies attending workshop

Outreach Bonanza

A full day training focused on innovative community engagement programs throughout Georgia. The training includes lightning round program pitches, presentations by experts in the field, and a tour of library outreach vehicles. The training is designed to bring together those already doing community engagement and those wanting to learn more about partnering with their community.

This event is generously sponsored by the Georgia Library Association Public Library Division and Georgia Public Library Service.

For more information, contact Marie Vielot or Delores Gulley.

Adult Programming One-Sheets

Need help coming up with ideas for programs for adults? Use our programming one-sheets. Here’s a collection of adult program descriptions that detail the elements and actions needed to replicate the programs at your library.