The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) assists lower-income families in paying for high-speed internet. The ACP provides eligible households with a monthly discount of up to $30 per month and a one-time $100 discount toward a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet.
While 1.6 million Georgia households are eligible for the ACP, only 38 percent of those eligible have enrolled so far.
Libraries can help raise awareness in their communities using the following messages, graphics, and information. You can also use this dashboard to see your community’s adoption rate.
Marketing materials
- **Coming soon.** Request ACP postcards from GPLS.
- Download marketing materials from Education Superhighway, many are customizable and include door hangers, posters, postcards, and more.
Graphics and video
Social media images (for download) from Education Superhighway: English and Spanish.
Download social media images from the FCC.
Download a 47-second video explaining EducationSuperHighway’s pre-enrollment assistance tool,, available in English and Spanish. An English voiceover/American Sign Language version is also available in both square and 16:9 formats.
Social media messages
Hashtags: #GetInternet #GetACP
● The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a federal government program that offers eligible households $30/month toward home internet services, helping eligible households afford the broadband they need for work, school, and healthcare. Visit to learn if you qualify.
● Did you know that the Affordable Connectivity Program provides eligible households with $30/month toward home internet services? The ACP benefit makes the internet free with some plans. Visit to learn if you qualify.
● Did you know that you may qualify for $30/month off home internet service? You may be eligible if you participate in a government assistance program, such as Medicaid or SNAP, you are a household with a dependent who is part of a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school or who receives free or reduced-price meals at school, or if your household income is at 200% of the federal poverty level. Visit to learn if you qualify.
● Need help getting started in applying for the Affordable Connectivity Program? Visit and answer a few simple questions to determine if your household qualifies, what documents you will need to apply, and connect to home internet plans that are free with the ACP in your area.
● The Affordable Connectivity Program offers eligible households $30/month toward home internet service, making some plans free. To find out if you qualify and to sign up for the ACP benefit, follow these 4 steps:
Step 1: See if you qualify at
Step 2: Apply
Step 3: Receive confirmation
Step 4: Select internet plan
● Did you know that you may be able to connect to home internet service at a free or reduced cost? The Affordable Connectivity Program provides eligible households with $30/month toward a new or existing home internet plan. Visit to learn if you qualify.
Social media messages (Spanish)
● El Programa de Descuentos Para Internet (ACP) es un programa del gobierno federal que ofrece a los hogares elegibles $30/mes para servicios de Internet en el hogar. Visite
● ¿Sabía que el Programa de Descuentos Para Internet (ACP) proporciona a los hogares elegibles $30/mes para servicios de Internet en el hogar? El beneficio de ACP hace que Internet sea gratis con algunos planes. Visite
● ¿Sabía que puede calificar para un descuento de $30/mes en el servicio de Internet en el hogar? Usted puede ser elegible si participa en un programa de asistencia gubernamental, como Medicaid o SNAP, si es un hogar con un dependiente que forma parte de una escuela de la Disposición de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (Community Eligibility Provisión, CEP) o que recibe comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido en la escuela o si su ingreso familiar se encuentra en el 200 % del nivel federal de pobreza. Visite
● Visite para saber si reúne los requisitos para el Programa de Descuentos Para Internet (ACP) qué documentos necesitará para solicitar el servicio y cómo conectarse a planes de Internet en el hogar que son gratuitos con el ACP.
● ¿Sabía que es posible que deba proporcionar una prueba de elegibilidad al solicitar el Programa de Descuentos Para Internet (ACP)? Visite y responda algunas preguntas simples para recibir una lista de verificación personalizada de los documentos que necesitará al presentar la solicitud.
● El Programa de Descuentos Para Internet (ACP) ofrece a los hogares elegibles $30/mes para el servicio de Internet en el hogar, lo que hace que algunos planes sean gratis. Para averiguar si califica e inscribirse para el beneficio de ACP, siga estos 4 pasos:
Paso 1: Vea si usted califica en
Paso 2: Presentar solicitud
Paso 3: Recibir confirmación
Paso 4: Seleccionar plan de Internet
● ¿Sabía que podría conectarse al servicio de Internet en el hogar gratis o a un costo reducido? El Programa de Descuentos Para Internet (ACP) proporciona a los hogares elegibles $30/mes para planes de Internet en el hogar nuevos o existentes.