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Thank you for taking a stroll with a story through Georgia Public Library Service!

Outdoor story strolls combine walking and reading for family fun.

Story strolls and walks outside Georgia public libraries combine the fun activities of walking and movement with the healthy activity of reading a book. Reading is healthy? Yes! Reading helps your brain grow and stay active in the same way that exercising helps the rest of your body.

Please take a moment to sign the guestbook and tell us about your experience.

sign the story stroll guestbook graphic

We hope you enjoyed taking a stroll with a story through Georgia Public Library Service.

Outdoor story strolls combine walking and reading for family fun.

Story strolls and walks outside Georgia public libraries combine the fun activities of walking and movement with the healthy activity of reading a book. Reading is healthy? Yes! Reading helps your brain grow and stay active in the same way that exercising helps the rest of your body.

children near a storywalk panel

More ways to enjoy your library!

Story Strolls let you learn and have fun OUTSIDE the library, but your library card lets you have fun INSIDE the library – and other places – too!

Don’t have a library card? Get one today!

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There are hundreds of libraries across Georgia. Find one that close to you!