Experience Passes Marketing Toolkit
Through strategic partnerships with organizations across the state, Georgia’s public libraries provide residents with educational and recreational opportunities to spend time together while saving money. Georgia Public Library Service partnership programs are available through all public libraries in Georgia.
Library Partnership Programs include exhibits, reading challenges, and other special library programming, including Experience Passes. Patrons can use their library card to check out Experience Passes for free entry to places like Zoo Atlanta, Georgia State Parks & Historic Sites, the Center for Puppetry Arts and more.
Here is the GPLS public-facing web page about Experience Passes. This is the GPLS web page for library staff who have questions or need more information about Strategic Partnerships or Experience Passes.
For details about partnerships and passes, review the Strategic Partnerships Guide for Library Staff. Library staff can also contact Dustin Landrum, director of Strategic Partnerships.
Use this toolkit with marketing messages, graphics, and materials to promote Experience Passes at your library and in your community.
Key Messages
Use these statements to talk about strategic partnership programs and how they provide value for communities.
- Through partnerships with organizations across the state, Georgia’s public libraries provide opportunities for educational and recreational experiences while saving money.
- By working with more than 30 outside organizations, like other government agencies, nonprofits, and businesses, Georgia public library partnership programs provide free access to activities exploring art, literature, history, culture, science, and nature.
- If a group of four checks out and uses all 12 Experience Passes, they would save $1,100 on admissions, tickets, and parking.
- Since 2005, Georgia Public Library Service and public libraries have established statewide and regional partnerships saving Georgians millions of dollars and providing hundreds of hours of free programming in libraries through special exhibits and outreach programs.
Print Materials
Download and share print materials to raise awareness about the Experience Passes available to visit amazing places around the state.
Experience Passes flyers (PDF)
Double-sided flyer in English and Spanish | English | Spanish
Experience Passes poster (PDF)
You can also request printed flyers from GPLS, with English on one side and Spanish on the other. Materials will be sent to your library via courier.
Download and print Zoo Atlanta FAQs
Zoo Atlanta FAQs rack card (PDF)
Single-sided rack card in English
Social Media Graphics
Click on an image to open the gallery, then right-click on the image to download and save it to your computer.
Partner-Specific Social Media Images and Messages
Use these partner-specific messages and images to promote attractions around Georgia. Be sure to tag partners and #GeorgiaLibraries!
Click on an image to open the gallery, then right-click on the image to download and save it to your computer.
Images are property of their respective organizations.
Alliance Theatre
Fb: @AllianceTheatre | X: @alliancetheatre | Ig: @alliancetheatre
- Did you know you can use your library card for FREE admission to the Alliance Theatre? With the Alliance Library Pass, you can get up to four complimentary tickets! Contact your local library for details and availability.
Atlanta Hawks
Fb: @atlhawks | X: @ATLHawks | Ig: @atlhawks
- Are you ready for the Atlanta Hawks Check It Out Reading Challenge this summer? Students K-12 check out and read five books to earn one (1) FREE youth ticket to a select Hawks game during the 2024-2025 season! When students complete the challenge, they can visit hawks.com/checkitoutreading and have a parent or guardian fill out the registration form. An adult ticket must be purchased to receive a free youth ticket. #GeorgiaLibraries
Atlanta History Center
Fb: @atlantahistorycenter | X: @ATLHistCenter | Ig: @atlantahistorycenter
- With your library card, you can check out a pass for FREE admission to the Atlanta History Center. The Center is home to famous pieces of Georgia history, cultivated gardens, and exhibits ready for exploration.
Breman Museum
Fb: @thebreman | X: @BremanMuseum
- With your #GeorgiaLibraries card, you can check out a family pass for the Breman Museum, a cultural center in Atlanta dedicated to Jewish history, culture, and arts with a special emphasis on Georgia and the Holocaust.
Center for Puppetry Arts
Fb: @CenterforPuppetryArts | X: @CtrPuppetryArts | Ig: @ctr_puppetry_arts
- Georgia families can visit Big Bird, the Fraggles, and more puppet characters for FREE using their library card! Visit your local public library to check out the Passport to Puppetry and explore the Center for Puppetry Arts.
Chattahoochee Nature Center
Fb: @ChattahoocheeNatureCenter | X: @CNCNature | Ig: @chattahoocheenaturecenter
- Enjoy nature trails, family friendly activities, bald eagles, and more by using your library card to check out a free Experience Pass to the Chattahoochee Nature Center. #GetYourNatureOn #GeorgiaLibraries
Computer Museum of America
Fb: @CMofA | X: @CMoA_Atlanta | Ig: @computer_museum_of_america
- Did you know that with your Georgia public library card, you can check out a pass for free admission to the Computer Museum of America? From the race to space to supercomputing to the power you hold in your hands, explore the past while imagining the future of technology!
Georgia State Parks & Historic Sites
Fb: @georgiastateparks | X: @GaStateParks | Ig: @gastateparks
- Explore the outdoors with Georgia State Parks & Historic Sites! Check out a ParkPass from your local library for free parking at Georgia State Parks, as well as the Historic Site Family Pass that gives two FREE admissions into any of Georgia’s historic sites. And while you’re at the library, check out a Discovery Backpack so you can bring binoculars and wildlife guides on your adventure.
Go Fish Education Center
Fb: @GoFishEducationCenter
- Learn to fish at the Go Fish Center by checking out a free pass with your #GeorgiaLibraries card! Learn more at georgialibraries.org/passes
Macon Museum Pass – Georgia Sports Hall of Fame, Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences, Tubman Museum
Fb: @GeorgiaSportsHallofFame | X: @GASportHallFame
Fb: @MASMaconx | X: @MaconMAS | Ig: @masmacon
Fb: @TubmanMuseum | X: @TubmanMuseum
- Check out a Macon Museum Pass from your local library for FREE admission to the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame, Museum of Arts and Sciences, and Tubman Museum!
Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University
Fb: @CarlosMuseum | X: @carlosmuseum | Ig: @carlosmuseum
- Did you know that your library card gives you free access to the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University? The museum is renowned for its collections of art from Egypt, Greece, Rome, Africa, the Americas, and more!
- Get Wrapped Up in Reading with our friends at the Michael C. Carlos Museum! Children who read 5 books from their Summer Book List and return a completed reading diary to the Carlos Museum will earn prizes and free admission. Many books on the list are available at #GeorgiaLibraries. For more information visit: carlos.emory.edu/wrapped-up-in-reading
Shakespeare Tavern
The Shakespeare Tavern Family Theatre Pass is currently unavailable for circulation.
Fb: @ShakespeareTavern | X: @shakespearetav | Ig: @shakespearetavernplayhouse
- Your Georgia public library card is your ticket to great places around the state! Did you know with your library card, you can check out the Family Theatre Pass which allows for up to 4 free tickets to a performance at the Shakespeare Tavern? Learn more at georgialibraries.org/passes
Zoo Atlanta
Fb: @ZooATL | X: @ZooATL | Ig: @zooatl
- Now you can check out the Zoo Atlanta Library Pass just like a book! No more DVD! Check out the pass for up to 4 FREE admissions to @ZooAtl and learn about and see animals from around the world. Learn more at georgialibraries.org/passes/#zooatlanta
- Did you know you can check out a pass for FREE admission to @ZooAtl with a GA public library card? Check out the pass just like a book and explore wildlife. Learn more at georgialibraries.org/passes #GeorgiaLibraries
- With your GA public library card, check out a pass for FREE admission to @ZooAtl! Learn about and see animals from around the world. Reach out to your local library for details and availability. Visit georgialibraries.org/passes
Shareable Video
Share this video on social media to show how easy it is to check out Experience Passes at the library!
Check out Experiences Passes to great places in Georgia. With your library card, check out passes to places like @ZooAtl, @AtlantaHistoryCenter, @GeorgiaStateParks, and more! Learn more at georgialibraries.org/passes
Web Graphics and Digital Signs
Web Buttons
Download and place a button on your website to link to details about checking out Experience Passes and visiting amazing places around Georgia.
Digital Signs
Use these graphics on lobby monitors or other digital screens to raise awareness of our Partnership programs.
These images can also be resized to use in social media posts or on your website.
Click on an image to open, then right-click to download and save to your computer.
Social Media Messages
Experience Pass messages in English and Español
Be sure to tag partners (see further below for partner social media handles) and hashtags #GeorgiaLibraries or #BibliotecasGeorgia