GLASS accessibility patron

GLASS resources make libraries accessible to everyone!

Georgia Libraries for Accessible Library Services (GLASS) has been selected by the National Library Service (NLS) to implement Duplication on Demand, a new way to distribute audiobooks to those who cannot read standard print due to blindness, vision impairment, or a physical disability that prevents them from holding a book and turning the pages.

When fully implemented nationwide, NLS will maintain a digital repository instead of producing single-book cartridges. For GLASS, this means their entire current warehouse of audiobook cartridges will be replaced by digital access.

GLASS will be able to download up to 15 books onto a single cartridge to fulfill each patron’s individual requests and then mail the cartridge to the patron’s home.

Stuart Levenson has been a GLASS patron for more than 60 years and has witnessed firsthand the change in technology for how people with print impairment can read. He has used service provided on record albums, floppy disk, cassette tapes, digital cartridges with one title per cartridge and now, Duplication on Demand.

“Duplication on Demand is by far the best service that I have used,” he said. “I enjoy having so many books on a single cartridge and the simplicity of the return process.”

Pat Herndon, assistant state librarian and director of GLASS, believes that Duplication on Demand not only makes things better for the patrons, it makes delivering the service more efficient for the library as well.

“The new method will lower program expenses and increase access to more material for those who prefer to listen to books on digital cartridges,” she said. “For patrons who do not like dealing with new technology, having a talking book machine and single cartridge loaded with up to 15 titles is an easy-to-use option.”

Libraries in other states that piloted this program report that patrons are actually reading more books, but that many fewer cartridges are mailed out each day. Patrons are pleased and the service is simpler and less costly to deliver.

Visit the GLASS website to learn more about accessible services for Georgians.