There are multiple ways to earn Georgia Public Library Service-sponsored Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for license renewal.

Online Courses, Events, and Webinars

  • Completed courses
  • Online courses and webinar archives provided by GPLS, including webinar archives and other content accessed at the GPLS Skillport site

Webinars and Webinar Archives

Workshops, Conferences, and Meetings

    • GPLS will provide certificates for all workshops we conduct.
    • Certified MLS staff attending state and national conferences that do not issue a certificate of completion will need to carry a Georgia CE Verification Form and get one signed by the presenter of each session.
    • Certified MLS staff attending professional development workshops that do not issue a certificate of completion will need to get the Georgia CE Verification Form signed by each presenter. This may include individual library systems’ staff development day, unless a certificate is provided.  


  • Depending on the speaker and topic, contact hours/certificates are sometimes awarded at statewide Directors’ meetings. Appropriate links will be sent out after these meetings.

Important Reminders

  • Responsibility for documenting the fulfillment of the continuing education requirements rests with each licensee. Per Georgia Administrative Code Rule 320-5-.03, licensees must retain for a period of four years the evidence of completion of each course or program, a description of the contents of each course or program and verification of the number of hours of each course or program.
  • Credit accrues at the rate of one hour for each hour of actual contact. Per Georgia Administrative Code Rule 320-5.05, credit will not be allowed for any program which in its entirety, including question and answer periods, lasts less than 30 minutes.

More information about the official Georgia Administrative Code regulating licenses for librarians can be found at


Questions about CEUs, sponsored events, and training can be directed to your system’s local training coordinator (if applicable) or to Julia Huprich at the Georgia Public Library Service: [email protected]