Resources | Archival Services and Digital Initiatives

Care of archives and special collections is about more than just digitization, and digitization is about more than just scanning. Since most people working in libraries don’t have a background in archival studies, Archival Services and Digital Initiatives has created a list of resources for getting you started.

Select a Topic

Community Scan Days

Community Scan Day Resource Hub
GPLS Archival Services and Digital Initiatives
Explore resources for planning a scanning day in your community, including guides, webinars, and best practices.
Community Scan Day Resource Hub


Conservation Online (CoOL)
Conservation Online
CoOL is a wide-ranging resource for conservation professionals, and includes listserv archives, publications, and articles.

Conservation Tools, Resources, and News
Canadian Conservation Institute
Explore the many tools and resources available to assist cultural heritage organizations in conserving, or preventing damage, to objects and collections.

Find a Conservator
American Institute for Conservation
The American Institute of Conservation’s Find a Conservator database allows viewers to search for conservators in their area by speciality, zipcode, radius, and willingness to travel.

Abstracts of International Conservation Literature (AATA) Online
Getty Conservation Institute
AATA Online is a comprehensive database of over 139,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. AATA now includes selected subject-specific bibliographies produced as part of the Getty Conservation Institute’s own conservation and scientific research projects or as part of specific collaborative projects in which the Institute is involved.

Digital Exhibits

DigEx Program
Georgia Public Library Service
GPLS’ DigEx Program empowers libraries to use their unique digitized materials to tell the stories of their libraries and communities through online digital exhibits. Using provided access to the Omeka S platform, libraries receive training and support to build and refine their exhibits.

Digital Preservation

Digital Preservation Tools
Northeast Document Conservation Center
A variety of tools for digital preservation, aggregated by the Northeast Document Conservation Center

The Sustainable Heritage Network
The Sustainable Heritage Network (SHN)
The Sustainable Heritage Network is an answer to the pressing need for comprehensive workshops, online tutorials, and web resources dedicated to the lifecycle of digital stewardship. The SHN, along with its partners, organizes and offers face-to-face workshops, produces educational resources, and links people and resources through its digital workbenches.


Digital Reformatting and File Management
Digital Public Library of America
This is the fifth module in the Public Library Partnerships Project curriculum, given by Sandra McIntyre, Director of the Mountain West Digital Library and prepared by Sheila McAlister, Director of the Digital Library of Georgia.

Using Metadata to Describe Digital Content
Digital Public Library of America
This is the fourth module in the Public Library Partnerships Project curriculum, given by Greer Martin, Digital Public Library metadata librarian and archivist at the Digital Library of Georgia, and Anna Neatrour, metadata librarian at University of Utah and former metadata librarian at the Mountain West Digital Library.

DLG Metadata Guidelines and Template
Digital Library of Georgia
The DLG uses Qualified Dublin Core (QDC) to describe the items in its portal. To learn more about these fields and how to complete metadata for them, view the links below.
DLG Metadata Guidelines
DLG Metadata Template

Disaster Preparedness

Northeast Document Conservation Center
dPlan can serve the needs of small institutions without in-house preservation staff, library and museum systems that need to develop separate but related plans for multiple locations, and state agencies that need to structure training programs on disaster planning. Each institution’s password-protected plan is stored on a secure server. An automatic e-mail is sent every six months with a reminder to update the plan.

COSTEP: Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness
Northeast Document Conservation Center
The COSTEP Framework is a planning tool designed to bring together cultural institutions with emergency management agencies and first responders. It provides a blueprint for preparing for area-wide disasters and building alliances with federal, state, and local emergency management agencies.

Disaster Response & Recovery: Publications & Resources
American Institute for Conservation
This robust collection of links and resources includes guides and information for disaster preparedness and response, as well as contact information for state and federal disaster response teams.

Disaster Mitigation Planning Assistance
Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
The DMPA is a source for disaster planning, response and recovery. Viewers may search for services and supplies by state or by type of service; look up sample disaster plans for cultural institutions; and find information about recovery techniques.

Disaster Response

24/7 Collections Emergency Phone Assistance
Northeast Document Conservation Center
NEDCC staff members are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide telephone advice to institutions and individuals handling collection-related disasters. Information provided includes advice on drying wet collections and dealing with damage from fire, pests, and mold. This service does not normally include on-site assistance. For emergency assistance contact NEDCC’s toll-free collections emergency hotline at: COLLECTIONS EMERGENCY HOTLINE: (855) 245-8303

Savannah Heritage Emergency Response Network
Savannah Heritage Emergency Response (SHER)
SHER is a source for information on disaster planning and response for the natural, cultural, and historical communities in Savannah, GA.

Georgia Resources

DLG Documentation
Digital Library of Georgia
This site is where the Digital Library of Georgia maintains documentation relating to project standards, guidelines, training resources, communication, grant support, and assessment. Not all documents are publicly available, and will be noted as such.

Georgia HomePLACE
The Digitization Loaner Kits (DigiKits) provide libraries with access to scanning technology without needing to purchase costly equipment. Inspired by the GPLS Tech Loaner Kits, the DigiKits can be used for both staff and patron training and programming.
Learn more about DigiKits


Preservation Grant Opportunities
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Grant opportunities for preservation available through Federal, State, and Regional agencies.

Oral History

Principles and Best Practices for Oral History
Oral History Association
the OHA now offers General Principles for Oral History and Best Practices for Oral History as summaries of the organization’s most important principles and best practices for the pre-interview preparation, the conduct of the interview, and the preservation and use of oral histories.

Introduction to Oral History Manual
Baylor University’s Institute for Oral History
A printable guide to conducting oral histories, created by Baylor University’s Institute for Oral History.

Web Guides for Doing Oral History
Oral History Association
A list of guides available online for doing oral history.

A Practical Guide to Oral History
Southern Oral History Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A printable PDF guide to conducting oral histories.

Story Corps DIY
After years of working closely with community partners, StoryCorps has created a new set of do-it-yourself resources to help organizations develop their own interview collection projects.

Capturing the Living Past: An Oral History Primer
Nebraska Historical Society
The Nebraska State Historical Society’s collections contain hundreds of oral history interviews, some conducted by Society staff over the years. Do you want to conduct an oral history interview yourself or participate in a larger oral history project? This document will give you the basic background you need and will help guide you through the steps of practicing oral history.

Oral History in the Digital Age
Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History University of Kentucky Libraries
Oral History in the Digital Age is an IMLS-funded website packed with information and resources about conducting oral history interviews.

Interviewing Guidelines
University of California – Los Angeles’ Center for Oral History Research
UCLA’s Center for Oral History Research collects oral history interviews related primarily to the history of Southern California and the Los Angeles metropolitan region. The program makes some of their internal guidelines and documents available for viewing online.

Titles available through the State Professional Collection:

  • Barnickel, Linda. (2006) Oral History for the Family Historian: A Basic Guide
  • Mercier, Laurie and Madeline Buckendorf (2007) Using Oral History in Community History Projects
  • Palmer, Joseph W. (1984) Oral History in Public Libraries
    Sommer, Barbara W. and Mary Kay Quinlan (2009) The Oral History Manual


Northeast Document Conservation Center Technical Leaflets
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Technical leaflets describing preservation measures for various physical records

Preservation Education Curriculum: An Introduction to Preservation
Northeast Document Conservation Center
This curriculum is a teaching aid for an Introduction to Preservation courses at Library and Information Science schools. It encompasses issues for libraries, archives, museums, and collections-holding institutions of all kinds. Educators are encouraged to modify, rearrange, and enrich the lesson plans in any way they see fit. Please read the section titled Before You Begin to gain a better understanding of the way the curriculum works.

Preservation 101
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Designed as an introductory course, the Northeast Document Conservation Center’s Preservation 101 course grounds participants in the theory and practice of preserving library and archival collections. The course textbook is freely available online, and a 10-webinar guided class ($650) is available several times a year.

NEDCC Preservation Publications
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Links to the Northeast Document Conservation Center’s free Preservation Leaflets, as well as two out-of-print titles: Assessing Preservation Needs: A Self-Survey Guide by Beth Patkus and Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access Edited by Maxine K. Sitts.

Caring for Private and Family Collections
Northeast Document Conservation Center
NEDCC’s best practices for keep personally significant materials safe.

Caring for Your Treasures: Guides for Taking Care of Your Personal Heritage Collections
American Institute for Conservation
Guides for taking care of personal heritage collections, organized by format.

British Library Collection Care
British Library
Resources on preventative preservation, digital preservation, conservation, science and research, publications and resources, and more.

International Preservation News (1987-2013)
International Federation of Library Associations
The “International Preservation News” used to be published three times a year reporting on the preservation activities and events that support efforts to preserve materials in the world’s libraries and archives. Full-text PDFs are available for free online.

IPI’s Climate Notes Newsletter
Image Permanence Institute
Climate Notes is a free e-newsletter published by the Image Permanence Institute and designed for collection care staff in cultural institutions. Climate Notes covers a wide range of topics related to managing the environment for preservation.

Sustainable Preservation Practices
Image Permanence Institute
A large collection of free resources, including webinar recordings, workshops, and articles, on preservation and disaster preparedness

National Park Service
Conserv-O-Grams are short, focused leaflets about caring for museum objects, published in loose-leaf format.New topics are added as needed and out-of-date issues are revised or deleted. Semiannual supplements will be issued for an indeterminate period.

Cold Storage: A Long-Term Preservation Plan for Film-Based Photographic Materials
National Park Service
This NPS interactive training program will teach viewers how to identify, prepare, pack, store, and monitor their film-based photographic collections to ensure their longevity for future generations. Each segment of the program includes instructional videos, graphics, and downloadable documents to help guide viewers through each phase of the process.

Northeast Museum Services YouTube Channel
Northeast Museum Services Center
These videos focus on preservation of museum objects for historic sites, and include such topics as cleaning architectural elements, managing construction projects, and emergency preparedness.

International Preservation Studies Center
International Preservation Studies Center (formerly the Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies)
The International Preservation Studies Center (IPSC) is one of the top international destinations for practical, hands-on training in collections care, historic preservation, and conservation refresher. The International Preservation Studies Center provides education to meet the evolving training needs of individuals who work to preserve cultural, historic, and artistic properties. The Center is located on a 14 acre campus in Mount Carroll, Illinois.

Saving Stuff: Preservation for the Family Historian
Athens-Clarke County Library Heritage Room
A series of slides and handouts on digital preservation of analog materials.

Northern States Conservation Center
Northern States Conservation Center
Provides training, collection care, preservation, and conservation treatment services to collections worldwide.